This is the first in the “Manifesting My Ideal Life” Series.
You can read others here and here. We will try to add them all as we do them!
* Looks at the price-tag of the shirt you really want but then decides that the first shirt you looked at really wasn’t that bad after all *
Thinks, “The chicken parmesan would be delicious, but the spaghetti would fit better into my budget right now.”
Says, “I’d love to go to the spa with you next week, but money doesn’t make itself!”
Do any of these sound crazy familiar? Because they used to for me.
Little did I know, even though these are all common, and often seemingly truthful, they’re often keeping us from living our highest truth.
Why? Decisions are never really about money, but always about alignment, our true desires and what we’re willing to do to get what we want.
There’s a little something called compensatory desires– AKA what you’ll let yourself have that won’t really challenge you and habits that keep you in the same patterns you’ve been in.
And that’s dangerous, it builds resentment and frustration and anger. And actually pushes your desires away….bet you didn’t see that one coming, right?
But how is one supposed to stay positive about money to keep alignment high vibe when the budget just won’t seem to stretch? Adapt a money mantra!
Money mantras are great for when you need to pull yourself out of a rut or are about to make a terrible, difficult or overwhelming decision.
I recommend writing some on 3×5 cards and putting at least one in all of your bags and purses!
I am worthy of financial abundance.
I attract financial, emotional, and spiritual wealth and health to me